All the content you are used to is always available in a few seconds with this smartphone projector. Streaming & gaming apps, photos, videos, presentations, documents - it's all there!
Use the built-in touchscreen to navigate or download any app, making it easy to enjoy your content instantly, wherever you are. The projection focus and angles are calibrated automatically, so you don’t need to be a tech expert to have a cinema experience anywhere.
Easy touchscreen navigation.
Start projecting within 10 seconds.
All apps are available from Google Play Store.
200”+ cinema experience in FULL HD.
Up to 3 hours battery time, 4G and Wi-Fi connectivity.
Built in speakers.
Easy to carry in any commuter bag.
"The clear and well-thought-out design of the Estelle One directly contributes to its user-friendliness. The projector’s technology is impressive as well"
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